Practical on SQL (12)
Create a database College. Delete a database College. Create a database OurSchool. Use database OurSchool. Create a table student with rollno, class, studentid, sname, address, phone, salary with suitable variable. Create a table p are nts with sno, studentid, parentname, phone, address Create a table persons with a primary key field. Delete a column salary from student table. Insert any 5 records into student table. Display all the records. Display only class 11 records. (Record must be in table) Display only name and address of class 12 records. (Record must be in table) Add a column section to student table. Update your table field section from varchar(50) into varchar(3) Update section to all the students. Update name from Ram to Shyam whose roll no is 10. (Record must be in table) Delete a single record whose roll no is 5 from student table. Delete all the data from student table. Delete student table. Make a auto increment for sno field in a table. Display only unique records fro...