Question Collection-11

 Computer System

1. Draw the block diagram of computer system. Explain the input and processing unit.

2. Explain different types of system bus. Different types of system bus. Differentiate between primary and secondary memory.

3. Define the memory structure of computer system. Explain cache, main and secondary memory with purpose.

4. What is computer system? Explain different components with their function.

5. What is generation of computer? Explain the different generations of computer with their major features.

6. What is CPU? Explain the major units of CPU.

7. Explain any five fields of usage of computer in present days.

8. Explain the role of memory in a computer and differentiate between main memory and auxiliary storage.

9. What do you mean by peripherals? Differentiate between impact and non-impact printers.

10. Discuss about how the development of the PCs(Personal computer) has extended the use of computer in present days.

11. Differentiate between analog and digital computer.

12. What is ROM? List out the different types of ROM.

13. What is digital computer? Write its features.

14. What is output unit? Describe the different types of printers.

15. What is mobile computing? Explain.

16. Differentiate between mini and mainframe computer.

17. What is cache memory? Write its advantages.

18. Explain the computer on the basis of working principle.

19. Differentiate between micro computer and super computer.

20. What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile computing?

21. What is AI? List out the advantages of AI.

22. List out the advantages of transistors over vacuum tubes.

23. Differentiate between SRAM and DRAM.

24. What is laser printer? List out the major features of laser printer.

25. Describe the term 'Hardware' , 'Software' and 'Firmware'.

26. Why computer is known as versatile and diligent device? Explain.

27. Differentiate between 'CRT' , 'LCD' and 'LED' monitors.

28. Explain their contribution: a) Howard Aiken b) Herman Hollerith

29. Describe the serial and parallel interface.

30. What do yo mean by 'volatility'? What is the purpose of MODE and where it can be used?

31. Define the term peripheral. Why CD ROM are more reliable than the floppy disk?

32. Short Notes on : USB, Cache Memory, Light Pen, Scanner, Touch Screen, MICR, OCR, Joystick, BCR, Trackball, Laser printer, Charles Babbage

Boolean Algebra and Number System

1.       What is Boolean algebra? Describe all gates with logic symbol, truth table and Venn diagram.

2.       What is logic gate? State and prove De-Morgan's theorem.

3.       What is Universal gate? Draw other gates using Universal gates.

4.       Short notes on: Truth table, Binary number system, Octal number system, Decimal number system, Hexadecimal number system.

5.       Convert the followings.

a.       Binary to Decimal                             101101                  101101.11

b.      Octal to Decimal                               123

c.       Hexadecimal to Decimal                                BCA

d.      Decimal to Binary                             132                         132.5

e.      Decimal to Octal                               132

f.        Decimal to Hexadecimal                                132

g.       Binary to Octal                                   101101

h.      Binary to Hexadecimal                   101101

i.         Octal to Binary                                   176

j.        Octal to Hexadecimal                     176

k.       Hexadecimal to Binary                   ACD

l.         Hexadecimal to Octal                     ACD

6.       Calculate the followings

a.       1011010+1101

b.      110101-1111

c.       110011/11

d.      101010*101

7.       Subtract using 1's complement method.             101101-110

8.       Subtract using 1's complement method.            110-101101

9.       Subtract using 2's complement method.            101101-110

10.   Subtract using 2's complement method.              110-101101

11.   Subtract using 9's complement method.             123-321

12.   Subtract using 9's complement method.              321-123

13.   Subtract using 10's complement method.             123-321

14.   Subtract using 10's complement method.             321-123

Computer Software and Operating System

1.       What is operating system? Describe its function in brief.

2.       Write importance of operating system. Explain the types of operating system based on processing method.

3.       List out different categories of Operating System.

4.       What is computer software? Explain different types of software with examples.

5.       Describe CUI and GUI based operating system with merits and demerits.

6.       What are the primary objectives of Operating System?

7.       Explain the types of operating system based on processes.

8.       What do you mean by system software and application software? Explain any five areas of computer application.

9.       What do you mean by the virtual memory? How does it differ from main memory and secondary memory? Discuss.

10.   Why GUI is more popular OS than text based OS? Justify clearly.

11.   An operating system is an interface between human operates and an application software. Justify this statement with examples of OS known to you.

12.   Differentiate between single user and multi user OS.

13.   What is real time OS. Explain

14.   Define Multi processing and multi tasking OS.

15.   What is booting? Describe the types of computer booting.

16.   What do you mean by data sequencing? Differentiate between random access and sequential access.

17.   Distinguish between batch processing and on-line processing OS.

18.   Distinguish between on-line and real time processing. What application would you suggest appropriate of real time processing


Application Package

1.       What are the features of spreadsheet? Explain.

2.       What is word processor? Explain document formatting features in word processor.

3.       Define the term cell and cell address in spreadsheet.

4.       What do you mean by paragraph formatting? Explain.

5.       What is presentation software? Explain animation.

6.       What is mail merge? Write advantages of mail merge.

7.       Write advantages of using Ms-Word.

8.       What is page formatting? Explain.

9.       Define the terms worksheet, workbook, sorting and formula in spreadsheet.

10.   Describe the term cell, cell reference.

11.   What is MS-Access? What are the uses of Ms-Access?

12.   What are the basic components of Ms-Access? List out.

13.   State the advantages of word processor in document design.

14.   Distinguish between word processing and data processing software

15.   Explain the following terms used in different software packages.

a.       Cut and Paste                    b. Text justification

16.   Give the significance of speller and thesaurus of modern word processing package.

17.   Short notes on : a.       Slide transition        b. Presentation software

Web I

  1. What is e-mail? Write advantages and disadvantages of email. Explain different types of e-mail account.
  2. Explain the <Table> and <img> tag with its properties and values.
  3. What is HTML? Describe different types of tag used in HTML.
  4. What is internet? Explain the uses of internet.
  5. Write basic structure of HTML.
  6. Explain ordered list and unordered list in HTML with example.
  7. Explain the different types of tag.
  8. Explain <A> tag and <img> tag with its properties and values.
  9. What are the importance of HTML is web page designing.
  10. Describe the major features of HTML.
  11. Write advantages and disadvantages of HTML.
  12. Describe the types of links which are used in web page designing.
  13. What are the positive and negative impacts of Internet?
  14. Describe the positive and negative impacts of social media.
  15. Explain the uses of internet.
  16. What is URL? Describe the search engine.
  17. Differentiate between internet and intranet.
  18. What is CSS? How can we add CSS in HTML document write with example


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