Sample Question Bank Grade 12


  • 1.       Differentiate the centralized and distributed database system.
  • 2.       What are the Purpose/Importance of Normalization? Describe with example of 1NF, 2NF, 3NF.
  • 3.       Explain ER Diagram in DBMS.
  • 4.       Describe the Normalization in DBMS. Advantages of it.
  • 5.       Explain the different types of data integrity in DBMS.
  • 6.       What is SQL? Describe the different types of Statements with example.
  • 7.       What is database model? Explain its types with advantages and disadvantages.
  • 8.       What is DBMS? Explain the advantages of DBMS.
  • 9.       Explain advantages of decentralized database.
  • 10.   What is Relational Database Management System? List advantages and disadvantages of it.
  • 11.   What is data security? Explain.
  • 12.   What are the Objectives of DBMS?
  • 13.   Who is DBA? List the roles and responsibilities.
  • 14.   Describe centralized and decentralized database management system.
  • 15.   What is the importance of data integrity in designing database?
  • 16.   Different between database and database management system. Top down methodology of database design.
  • 17.   Advantages of DBMS over separate files.
  • 18.   Short notes on SQL, Data Dictionary, DDL, Tuple, Data Security, Primary Key, DML, Data Modeling
  • 19.   What is database prototyping?


Data Communication and Network

  1. 1.       What is network topology? Explain each of them with advantage and disadvantages.
  2. 2.       Compare the star and ring topology. What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer networ?
  3. 3.       What is computer network? List out hardware equipments to establish the computer network.
  4. 4.       Differentiate between LAN and WAN.
  5. 5.       Describe the different types of communication media in the Networking.
  6. 6.       Define Network topology. Explain different topologies.
  7. 7.       Describe the wireless network system. List out the devices and equipments necessary for WiFi network.
  8. 8.       What is transmission media? Differentiate between the bounded and unbounded transmission media.
  9. 9.       What is network model? Differentiate between peer to peer and client server network model.
  10. 10.   What do you mean by network connecting devices? What are the function of different networking devices?
  11. 11.   What is mode of data communication? Explain its types with features.
  12. 12.   Explain about different network transmission media.
  13. 13.   Explain about ISO/OSI reference model.
  14. 14.   Differentiate between Internet ,Intranet and Extranet.
  15. 15.   What is protocol? Explain the uses of internet.
  16. 16.   Short notes on : IP address, Subnet mask, Gateway, TCP/IP, Packet Switching, Workstation.


Web II

  1. 1.       Write a program to find the factorial of any given number using javascript.
  2. 2.       How do you fetch data from database in PHP and display it in form? Describe.
  3. 3.       Write short notes on internet technology.
  4. 4.       Differentiate between server-side and client side scripting.
  5. 5.       Explain different data types used in javascript.
  6. 6.       What is JQuery? Write down its uses.
  7. 7.       What is PHP? Explain its uses and advantages.
  8. 8.       Write down the basic PHP syntax and an example of a PHP program.
  9. 9.       Explain the different operators used in a PHP.
  10. 10.   Write a PHP program to display the largest among three numbers.
  11. 11.   What is object-based programming? Explain different Javascript objects.
  12. 12.   Write down the server side script to create a database, connect with it, create a table and insert data in it.
  13. 13.   Explain the database connection method in PHP.

C Programming

  1. 1.       What is variable? List the major data types which is used in C program.
  2. 2.       What is structure in C program? Explain.
  3. 3.       List out the different types of operator in C. Describe the logical operator with example.
  4. 4.       Define pointer in C with example.
  5. 5.       Describe the different operator types in C program.
  6. 6.       Explain the file handling concept in C.
  7. 7.       Describe the different mode of file handling concept in C.
  8. 8.       Differentiate between array and structure in C.
  9. 9.       Write a program to input roll, name and age of 5 students and display them properly using structure.
  10. 10.   Write a c program to enter ID, employee-name, and post of the employee and store them in a data file named 'emp.txt'. Display each record on the screen in an appropriate format.
  11. 11.   Describe the pointer with example.
  12. 12.   How do you define function in C program? Write a program to find out given number is negative or positive using function.
  13. 13.   Write a program to enter name and salary of employee and write it in a file employee.txt.
  14. 14.   Write a program to read the marks of any 5 students in a subject and count how many students are passed or fail. (Pass marks >=35)
  15. 15.   Write a program to find factorial of given number using function.
  16. 16.   Write a program to enter the 5 student name, age and sex using structure and display.
  17. 17.   Write a program to input length and breadth of a pound and find tis area by usning userdefined function.
  18. 18.   What is while loop statement? Write an algorithm and a C program to input a number and reverse it.
  19. 19.   Define array. Write a program to input any 10 numbers in an array and display it. Find the biggest number among the input numbers.
  20. 20.   Write a program to input employee id, name, address and post of 20 employees and display them properly.
  21. 21.   What is the importance of file pointer in file handling? Explain with an example.
  22. 22.   Explain String handling functions. With example.
  23. 23.   Explain if-else control structure with example.
  24. 24.   Write a program to enter 10 integer numbers into an array and display in ascending order.
  25. 25.   What is function? Write the advantages of function. Differentiate between library and user-defined function with example.
  26. 26.   Write a program to enter name, post and age of 10 employee's using structure and display in proper format.
  27. 27.   What is loop? Differentiate between while and do while loop.
  28. 28.   Write a program to input 10 integer number into an array and display the sum of the numbers.
  29. 29.   Write a program to input name, roll and reg. no of 10 students using structure and display in proper format.


Software Process Model

  1. 1.       What are the major activities performed to design the software? Describe each phases.
  2. 2.       Describe SDLC. What the roles of system analyst in SDLC phases.
  3. 3.       What is the importance of SDLC in Software Development?
  4. 4.       What is feasibility study? What are the types of feasibility study? Describe the feasibility analysis methods.
  5. 5.       Define DFD and ER-Diagram. Explain the advantages of ER diagram in system design.
  6. 6.       Who is system analyst? Explain characteristics, roles and responsibilities.
  7. 7.       What are SDLC models? Explain them.
  8. 8.       Describe program flow chart and system flowchart with diagram.
  9. 9.       What is expert system? Explain the fields of expert system.
  10. 10.   What is system? Explain the basic elements of system.
  11. 11.   What are the documentation techniques? Explain the example.
  12. 12.   Define program logic. Explain different types of of program logic tools.
  13. 13.   What are the system analysis? What are the major objectives of system analysis? Explain.
  14. 14.   Explain about the system design methodologies.
  15. 15.   Explain about the importance of computer security in this knowledge based society.
  16. 16.   Define Decision table, decision tree. How to test newly developed system?
  17. 17.   What is documentation? Explain the importance of documentation in program designing.
  18. 18.   What do you mean by program algorithm? Explain the aims of program design and bilding blocks of structured programming.


Object Oriented Programming

  1. 1.       Compare the OOP's and Procedural Programming Language.
  2. 2.       What is OOP? What are the importance and application of OOP?
  3. 3.       Explain Class and Object.
  4. 4.       Explain the term Polymorphism and inheritance.
  5. 5.       Write the advantages and disadvantages of OOP.
  6. 6.       Short notes on : Encapsulation


Recent Trends in Technology

  1. 1       What is AI? Explain the popular five application of AI.
  2. 2   What are the importance of e-learning in 21st century? Write the importance of multimedia in e-learning.
  3. 3.       What are the roles of AI in our real life? List out AI related system in our society.



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