Important Questions for XII
Unit-1- Database Management System - 8 Marks 1. What is Database and DBMS? List out the advantages and disadvantages of DBMS. 2. Explain the different models of DBMS with advantages and disadvantages. 3. Write differentiate between centralized and distributed database systems. 4. Who is DBA? What are the major responsibilities of DBA? 5. What is data integrity in DBMS? Explain its types. 6. What is normalization? Explain the normalization process with examples. 7. Define the following terms. a) Data Dictionary b) Primary Key c) Relationship d) DML e) SQL f) Data Integrity g) DDL h) Data Security i) Database System 8. What are the different types of SQL commands. Write with example. Unit-2- Data Communication and Networking - 9 Marks 1...
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