Web I Sample Questions

  1.  What is HTML?
  2. What is Web Browser?
  3. What is Search Engine?
  4. What is ISP?
  5. What is Domain Name?
  6. What is Hosting?
  7. What is Tag? What are the different types of tags in HTML?
  8. What are formating tags?
  9. What are heading tags?
  10. What is list in HTML? Explain its types with example.
  11. What is ........... (different types of tags)? Write with example.
  12. What is the basic structure of HTML?
  13. What is CSS?
  14. How can we add CSS in HTML document?
  15. What is email?
  16. What is internet?
  17. What are the uses of email and internet? Explain.
  18. Advantages and limitations of email.
  19. Difference between email and efax.
  20. Difference between email and traditional mail.
  21. What is web server? 
  22. What is server side scripting?
  23. What is client side scripting?
  24. What is front-end design?
  25. What is back-end design?
  26. What is protocol?
  27. What is Content Management System(CMS)?
  28. What is API?
  29. What is attribute in HTML?
  30. What is selector in CSS? Write its types with example.
  31. MCQ (Sample)

Which of the following is used to insert the image?

a) <image> b) <A image> c) <img> d) <img image="picture">


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